Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hair Loss Treatment*

Receding Hairline Hair Loss Treatment

Receding Hairline Hair Loss Treatment

Receding Hairline Hair Loss Treatment


Frontal hair loss or a receding hairline is usually the first sign of hair loss that most men observe. While this can be concerning, this is not necessarily a sign that the hair loss will progress beyond the frontal zone. If you have started to experience some thinning on the hairline, or think you have, become familiar with the treatments that can help you.


Though hair loss and a receding hairline out may be brought about by various medical conditions, The Foundation of Hair Restoration says that androgenic alopecia is to blame for 95 percent of hair loss cases. Androgenic alopecia happens when surplus amounts of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, inhibit frontal hair follicles. Hair at the temple areas fall out early in their growth cycle, the follicle gets smaller and hair begins to shrink as this process continues.

Effective Treatments

The FDA approves 5 percent strength minoxidil for the treatment of male pattern baldness. The International Association of Hair Restoration Surgery says minoxidil has been studied for more than 15 years in peer-reviewed studies. Topical minoxidil increases cutanenous blood flow to the head and speeds the hair cycle.

Finasteride is an FDA-approved tablet, taken once a day, for the treatment of male pattern baldness. It is only for men. The American Hair Loss Association explains that finasteride will decrease DHT levels by nearly 60 percent. The AHLA considers finasteride to be "the first line of attack" for adult men treating male pattern baldness..

Ketoconazole shampoo, like minoxidil, is applied topically and can help treat male pattern baldness. In a Belgian study entitled "Ketoconazole: Effect of Long-Term Use in Androgenic Alopecia," published in a 1998 issue of "Dermatology," Belgian physicians found ketoconazole shampoo helped hair thickness and the proportion of hairs in their growth phase almost as much as 2 percent minoxidil. The scientists established that ketoconazole shampoo can be valuable in the long-term treatment of male pattern baldness.

Expert Insight

Dr. Robert Bernstein, clinical professor of dermatology at the college of physicians and surgeons of Columbia University, claims that finasteride and minoxidil probably will regrow hair on the hairline even though the two treatments have been clinically tested for the top of the scalp. Dr. Bernstein states on BernsteinMedical.com, that finasteride and minoxidil can provide hair loss treatment on the hairline as long as there is hair remaining in the areas. Even if hair is thinning at the temples, it is much easier to regrow hair on the frontal region if hair is still present.


Dr. Benstein also debunks some of most prevalent misconceptions and myths regarding hair loss.

Bernstein claims that it is a myth that "men who are bald have high levels of testosterone." Hair loss is caused by certain hair follicles having a greater sensitivity to DHT, rather than simply higher levels of testosterone or DHT. Hairs on the hairline are particularly sensitive to DHT.

Bernstein states that hair loss is not caused by decreased blood flow to the scalp. The relationship is the opposite. When hairs are lost in a certain areas, that area has less blood flow since there is not hair growing. Bernstein summarizes "a decreased blood flow to the scalp is not the cause of hair loss, but a result of it."

Bernstein states that it is a common myth that the genes that cause hair loss are only from your mother's side of the family. Predisposal to genetic hair loss can come from your father's side or both sides.

Permanent Solution

Although hair loss treatments will help decrease progressive male pattern baldness and regrow scalp hair in most cases, only a hair restoration surgery is a permanent "cure." The Foundation for Hair Restoration notes how this procedure works. Hair from the donor area, which consists of hairs cannot be thinned by DHT, is transplanted or moved to thinning or bald areas to achieve greater density. These hairs will not thin because they are not disposed to genetic thinning and will regrow when they naturally shed.


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