Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Harmful Side Effects of Birth Control Pills*

Harmful Side Effects of Birth Control Pills


Birth Control Pills are used by many women to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But are they really a safe choice of birth control. Here is some information about the harmful side effects of birth control pills.
Birth control pills have come a long way from their discovery in the 60s to their present form and are a preferred choice of birth control for as many as 18 million women. There are different brands of pills available and these contain progestin and estrogen in differing dosages. There are many benefits to the use of birth control pills. The most important benefit of the birth control pill is that it helps in prevention of ovarian cancer and also cancer of endometrium which is the lining of the uterus. Other benefits of these pills include reduction in cramps during the menstrual cycle. Over the years there have also been many reports about the side effects of these birth control pills. Following these reports authorities have had to keep a close watch on these oral contraceptives. Since women tend to take these pills for a long period of time this medicine has been subjected to comprehensive studies in order to determine serious side effects if any.

Currently studies indicate that healthy and non smoking women can continue using the pills without any harmful side effects. Some possible side effects of the birth control pills that have been observed include irregularity in menstrual bleeding and headaches, dizziness and also breast tenderness. Other side effects of these pills include nausea and hand weight gain.
Some women have reported unusual changes in mood including depression following the use of the birth control pills. In the past there have been reports of the relation between these pills and cancer. Some studies have reported that certain women tend to have a greater risk of cancer with the use of birth control pills. These studies however have not been completely conclusive.

Following are some other serious and harmful side effects of the birth control pills.

* Smokers who take birth control pills have a greater chance of getting cancer.
* If the individual who is taking birth control pills is too young then she might experience an acne yeast infection and it is difficult to completely cure this infection.
* Weight gain of around 12 pounds can be observed in women who take birth control pills.
* Birth control pills may cause the formation of cysts in the breasts and these may feel painful and tender to touch.
* Birth control pills can also cause blood clots. The possibility of this is rare particularly if the woman is over 35 years of age and does not smoke. A blood clot can occur in an artery or vein and have varying symptoms depending on the location of the clot. These clots can form in abdomen or legs and even in heart or lungs. A clot could in turn cause a stroke. With other factors such as a history of heart disease, blood pressure problems and clotting tendency the use of birth control pill could be dangerous.
* Birth control pills can cause severe shortness of breath and chest pain in some cases.
* These pills can cause problems of blurred vision or even loss of vision in some cases and severe leg pain in some other cases.
* It has also been noted that there can be increased risk of women suffering with breast cancer following extensive use of birth control pills.
* Some studies have also indicated that use of birth control pills can also result in development of blood pressure problems.
* Women using birth control pills may also develop cancer of the liver (development of benign tumors in the liver) and gall bladder disease.
* Some other effects of use of birth control pills include reduced satisfaction in sex, heart problems and possibilities of experiencing cervical dysplasia

A decision to choose the pill as a way of birth control should be taken by the concerned woman only after carefully weighing the benefits and considering the risks involved in the same. It is best for the concerned woman to consult a medical professional or a trusted health professional so that all the benefits and the risks can be thoroughly discussed before any decision is taken. It is also in the best interest of the woman to get all her queries and issues answered by the right people.


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